Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Valentine's Day!

K So its been a while. But that doesn't mean I haven't been taking photos. Its just been a crazy time!!! These are our special Valentines Day Pics. We made pancakes in this cool cast iron mold my Aunt gave me and had a yummy breakfast. We picked secret Valentines in our family and did nice things for them all week. Haylee took home the grand prize for most Valentines spirit when she took a dry erase marker and decorated every tile and mirror and the toilet in our bathroom with hearts for Scott, at first I wanted to be mad but it was so funny. The bad thing is that I forgot to take a photos so you will have to use your imagination.


Melinda H. said...

Yea! I check your blog every other day to see if you'd updated it. I was totally expecting to see the same snowman slideshow. I love the idea of secretly doing nice things for someone all week during Valentine's. I am totally going to steal that idea, hope you don't mind! Those heart pancakes look yummy! Also your Mardi Gras party looks like fun. I know how hard it is to leave friends. When we left our friends in Philly it was really hard. I didn't even love the place but I still miss it. I'm not sure I'll ever see half of those friends ever again. Kinda like you, I've seen you like 3 times since Ephraim. Maybe since you live in UT I'll see you when we come to visit!

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